FAPACon 2024
Friday, August 2
Conference Registration &
Awards Celebration Tickets
11:00 AM Conference Registration Opens
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom Lobby
The registration table will remain open until 4:00 PM for late arrivals.
Awards Celebration attendees may pick up their tickets at the registration table.
Basket Raffle tickets will be sold until 4:00 PM. The drawing is on Saturday evening during the Awards Celebration, and ticket holders must be present to win.
Conference badges do not include admission to the awards celebration.
Awards celebration tickets do not include admission to the conference.
12:00-12:30 PM
Annual FAPA General Membership Meeting
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom
This meeting is open to all FAPA members.
Conference registration is encouraged but is not a requirement to attend.
1:00–4:30 PM
Friday Conference Events
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom​
Conference Registration and Badge is Required for all conference events
1:00 PM Conference Opening and President’s Welcome
1:15–4:30 PM Speed Dating with the Pros
Derek Doepker—Email Marketing
Valerie Willis—Getting into Bookstores
L. A. Perkins—Publishing Law
Noel Zamot—AI Marketing
Scott Tilley—Crafting Your Author Bio: The Most Important 75 Words You’ll Ever Write
David Goldstone—Working with a Marketing Firm
Anne Jacob—Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Word
Ginger Marks—Design and Formatting
Friday Evening Networking Reception
5:30–8:00 PM Location: Veranda
This meet-and-greet reception is open to FAPA members, conference attendees, awards celebration participants, and their guests. The complimentary heavy hors d’oeuvres buffet is provided by our sponsors. A cash bar is available.
Conference registration is not required to attend.
Saturday, August 3
Conference Registration &
Awards Celebration Tickets
8:00 AM Registration Opens
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom Lobby
8:00 AM–3:45 PM Pick up Awards Celebration Tickets and Purchase Raffle Tickets at Registration Desk
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom Lobby
Awards Celebration attendees may pick up their tickets at the registration table.
Raffle tickets will be sold until 3:45 PM. The drawing is on Saturday evening during the Awards Celebration, and ticket holders must be present to win.
Conference badges do not include admission to the awards celebration.
Awards celebration tickets do not include admission to the conference.
8:00 AM–3:45 PM
Saturday Conference Events
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom
Conference Registration and Badge is Required for all conference events
8:00–8:30 AM Beverages/Networking
8:30 AM President’s Welcome
9:00–10:00 AM Conference Speaker 1: Derek Doepker
How to Write Engaging Emails That Sell Your Book (Without Being Obnoxiously Salesy)
10:00–10:30 AM Break/Networking
10:30–11:30 AM Conference Speaker 2: Valerie Willis
A Guide to Aim for the Bookshelves
11:30 AM–12:30 PM Buffet Lunch/Networking
12:30–1:30 PM Conference Speaker 3: L.A. Perkins
Understanding Copyright and Intellectual Property Laws
1:30–2:00 PM Break/Networking
2:00–3:00 PM Conference Speaker 4: Noel Zamot
To Code a Mockingbird: An Insider’s Look Into How to Use AI and Not Lose Your Soul
3:15 PM President’s Closing Remarks
3:45 PM Conference Closes
See ya next year at
FAPACon '25!!!
2024 FAPA President's Book Awards Celebration
Friday 11:00 AM–4:00 PM or Saturday 8:00 AM–3:45 PM and 5:00–5:30 PM
Pick up Awards Celebration Tickets and Purchase Raffle Tickets
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom Lobby
Awards Celebration attendees may pick up their tickets at the registration
table on Friday or Saturday. -
The basket raffle drawing is on Saturday evening during the Awards
Celebration, and ticket holders must be present to win. -
Conference badges do not include admission to the awards celebration.
Awards celebration tickets do not include admission to the conference.
Saturday, August 3 Awards Celebration
Location: Citron East/West Ballroom
This is a separate, ticketed event and is not included in the conference events
Cocktail attire is encouraged.
5:00 PM Check-in/Networking
Cash Bar in the Lobby
Last chance to purchase raffle tickets
5:30 PM Doors Open
5:30–8:30 PM 2024 FAPA President’s Book Awards Event
Plated Dinner
Presentation of Awards
Basket Raffle
9:00 PM Medalists Reception in the Sunroom
Location: Sunroom/Lobby Bar
This opportunity to congratulate the medalists is open to FAPA members, conference attendees, awards celebration participants, and their guests. Food and drinks are available for purchase from the bar.
Conference or Awards Celebration registration is not required to attend.