Sons of The People
Janet Pesicka Watson
2023 FAPA Award Winner
FINALIST! 2022 Eric Hoffer Award for Middle Grade fiction. A novel aimed mainly at Middle Grade readers, Sons of The People is an engaging story with twists and turns that will delight any reader. Sons of The People follows the exciting adventures of two Native American boys in prehistoric Florida. For all their young lives, Pato and Tutuntee enjoyed the safety and love of their extended family. As members of the Chak-wit clan, the two brothers were learning life skills they needed to survive in the primitive wilderness that was Florida—7,000 years ago. A terrifying experience suddenly separates the boys from their clan, and they become the captives of strangers. How will they handle this challenge? Although the book's language is designed to fit with the vocabulary of younger readers, it is a story that can be enjoyed by older readers as well.
With no way to write books, the ancient past tells its stories through what is left behind. Each artifact we find is a clue to how people lived long ago. This story might have been written by the boy who is telling it, if he had been able to put words on paper.
Chapters of this book, which was inspired by an actual archeological discovery, were chosen as a 2021 “Rising Kite” award winner, by the Florida Region of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.