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You are a Heroine: A Retelling of the Hero’s Journey

Susanna Liller

2019 FAPA President's Book Awards Winner - How-to/Self-help/Inspirational (Silver)

"Heroines are needed now more than ever, and Liller’s self-help book uses classic paradigms to show women how to unlock their own heroic powers." - Foreword Reviews

In every heroic tale, the heroine is called to fulfill a compelling desire or seek a new adventure. Sometimes she is eager to accept the call. Other times, she refuses out of fear—but the call grows ever louder. For modern‑day women, the struggle for self‑discovery and the courage to leap into the unknown is no different. Mirroring the heroine’s journey, this empowering guide outlines:
  • the power of choice.
  • models for personal development.
  • strategies to combat critics (even yourself).
  • tips for dealing with emotional roadblocks.
  • methods to achieve self‑acceptance.
You may not be Wonder Woman, but you are certainly a heroine. It’s time to unleash the power within!

"You know you’re in for a ride when a book starts with a woman—in this case, the author’s then-21-year-old grandmother—tossing her suitcase from a moving train, then leaping herself." - BlueInk Starred Review

For fans of:
  • Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces"
  • Will Craig's "Living the Hero's Journey"
  • Maureen Murdock's "The Heroine's Journey"

You Are a Heroine has been published by Emerald Lake Books to assist readers who are ready to take personal responsibility for their lives and be more intentional about how they live them. If you like reading self-help books that help you create a life that's personally and professionally fulfilling, you might enjoy these other books by Emerald Lake Books: Love Your Life by Cheryl Marks Young Being More Human by Michelle Crawford
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